
Glossary : Letter S

Savings insurance policy

See "life insurance policy".

Savings products

Passbook accounts, savings accounts and schemes: company savings scheme (PEE), Livret ALivret de développement durable (LDD), home ownership savings scheme (PEL), home ownership savings account (CEL), savings scheme for young people, share savings plan (PEA), share savings plan aimed at financing small- and medium-sized enterprises and mid-caps (PEA PME-ETI), Passbook savings account for low-income households, tax-friendly long-term savings account, etc.


Anyone who has reason to be believe they are a beneficiary of dormant sums transferred by the financial institutions to Caisse des Dépôts can enter a search on If their search yields results, the claimant must create a personal account to continue with his or her claim.

Securities account

Account into which any security can be deposited (shares, bonds, equity warrants, fees, etc.) held by the account holder.

SEPA transfer

A SEPA transfer is a transfer in Euros which is able to move funds both within France and throughout all of the countries in the Singe Euro Payments Area.

To make SEPA transfers and payments, you must use the new bank details in the IBAN and BIC format. These codes have already been around for several years on the bank statements provided by your bank.

The following are members of the SEPA:

- The 28 member States of the European Union;

- The four member States of the European Free Trade Association: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland;

- The Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino.

In terms of France, the overseas départements and regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion and Mayotte), as well as the territories of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Barthélemy and the French part of San Marino are part of the SEPA.

Share savings plan (PEA)

The PEA allows for a portfolio of shares to be acquired while benefiting, under certain conditions (such as keeping the shares for at least five years), from tax exemption on dividends and capital gains. Making up the PEA is a securities account and a cash account.

Share savings plan aimed at financing small- and medium-sized enterprises and mid-caps (PEA PME-ETI)

Complementary to the share savings plan, the PEA PME-ETI is aimed at facilitating the financing of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps, both listed and unlisted.

Sight deposit account

See "current account".


Under the "Eckert" Act of 13 June 2014, sums from dormant accounts and unclaimed life insurance policies that have reached the statutory dormancy periods by 1 January 2016 to be transferred to Caisse des Dépôts by the financial institutions.

Stocks of dormant assets were transferred to Caisse des Dépôts between 1 July 2016 and 31 December 2016. Sums that have lain dormant for 30 years or longer have been transferred by the financial institutions to the State directly.

Sums acquired by the State

See "thirty-year forfeiture period".

Supplementary pension scheme

Supplementary pensions schemes (sometimes called " additional " pensions) refer to optional funded pension plans offered by certain companies to their employees ("collective contracts") as well as individual retirement savings accounts.

These plans allow each person to build up savings/annuities for retirement in addition to the mandatory pension plans.There are several types of supplementary pension contracts:

  • Private subscription: Plan d'épargne retraite populaire (PERP), PREFON (Caisse nationale de prévoyance de la fonction publique), FONPEL (Fonds de pension des élus locaux), CAREL-MUDEL (Caisse autonome de retraite des élus locaux - Mutuelle des élus locaux), COREM (Complément de retraite mutualiste), CRH (Complément retraite des hospitaliers), RMC (retraite mutualiste du combattant), PER
  • Professional subscription: MADELIN contract, "Farmers" contract, Article 39 CGI contract, Article 82 CGI contract, Article 83 CGI contract, PERCO, PER