
Glossary : Letter C

Caisse des Dépôts

Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries form a public group serving the general interest and economic development of local areas. Caisse des Dépôts is a special public institution founded by the Act of 28 April 1816. The Law has particularly tasked Caisse des Dépôts with managing deposits and making long-term investments in companies to contribute to their development. Its mission was reaffirmed by the Act of 4 August 2008 bearing on modernisation of the economy.

Cash account

Comprising cash, the cash account is associated with the securities account which, by definition, comprises securities. In order to acquire the securities, deposits must already have been made into the cash account.


Any person submitting a request or claim to Caisse des Dépôts via

N.B.:  during his/her search on, the claimant must enter the name of the person who held the account or life insurance policy being tracked down.


When an account or life insurance policy is irrevocably closed down. Under the "Eckert" Act of 13 June 2014, such closure may also be initiated by the bank, insurance company or employee savings body when dormant accounts or unclaimed life insurance policies have reached the statutory timeframes for their balance to be transferred to Caisse des Dépôts.

Codevi (Compte pour le développement industriel)

Regulated passbook savings account, tax-free, created in 1983. The Codevi has been officially named "Livret de développement durable (LDD)" since 2007.

Collective insurance policy

Policy taken out by a legal entity, or a company manager, called the policyholder, on behalf of a group of members and possibly their beneficiaries. The insurance policy may be amended between the policyholder and the insurance company without having to obtain the permission of each member.

Collective pension savings plan (PERCO)

The PERCO is a company savings scheme that allows an employee to set up a supplementary retirement fund through his or her employer. The PERCO can be funded by voluntary payments by the employee, with a ceiling, or by sums from profit-sharing, participation, transfers from other employee savings schemes or rights registered on a time savings account (CET).

The PERCO has been replaced by the collective company PER since October 1, 2019.

Company passbook savings account (LEE)

Bank account for people starting up or taking over a company with the aim of borrowing, after a savings period of between two and five years.

Company savings scheme (PEE)

An employee savings product enabling employees to build up savings in the form of a portfolio of securities (shares and/or bonds) with the help of their company. The sums are unavailable for a minimum of five years, save in the event of withdrawals allowed in exceptional circumstances (such as marriage or civil partnership, birth of a third child or divorce) and come from voluntary contributions on the part of employees and a supplement from their company. Profit-sharing incentives and participation bonuses may also be deposited into a company savings scheme.


Any contact initiated by the customer with the financial institution (call, email, online banking connection, appointment, etc.) which activates an account or life insurance policy.


A correspondence exists when there is a possible correlation between the data entered into the search form and that sent by the financial institutions.

A correspondence does not necessarily mean the repayment of amounts.

Examples of a rejection:

  • A homonym: you have the same surname and first name as another person, after verification of other personal information like the date and place of birth, you are not the beneficiary of the account. It is important to get as much precise information as possible during your search (preferred name in addition to the surname, other first names on the registry)
  • In the personal area you have not properly identified yourself (example: notary, beneficiary or account holder, etc.). Don't forget to position yourself according to your situation during your request.

Credit institution

Credit institutions cover several types of entities accredited by the ACPR (the authority responsible for supervising the banking and insurance sectors in France), notably banks, but also specialist credit institutions which are primarily authorised to receive repayable funds from the public and grant credits.

Current account

Ordinary individual account used for depositing and managing one's own money and having payment means. Also called a bank account or checking account.