
Special terms & conditions of use for Caisse des Depots' Ciclade website

Welcome to the website "" (hereinafter the "Website") of the Caisse des Dépôts Group.

Caisse des Dépôts is a special institution tasked with managing deposits and consignments pursuant to Article L518-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

This Account provides information on special deposits, consignments, returns or releases that can be performed directly online.

As part of its consignment and special deposit management duties, Caisse des Dépôts keeps these sums with a view either to returning them to their rightful beneficiaries or to transferring them to the State, once a certain period of time has lapsed.

The Website has been designed in this context.

Access to the Website’s Personal account and all its features is subject to prior acceptance of these Special Terms & Conditions of Use (hereinafter "Special T&Cs") and of the Standard Terms & Conditions of Use (hereinafter "Standard T&Cs") applicable to Caisse des Dépôts' website and which can be accessed at the following address: "" (hereinafter the “Caisse des Dépôts Website”).

These Special T&Cs, which have the value of an adhesion contract, set out to define the specific terms and conditions for accessing and using the Website, in addition to the General Terms & Conditions.

Article 1. Definitions

User's account: User individual account enabling him/her to access his/her Personal Account. The User's account is used for the purposes of User authentication through a username (login) and password.

Standard Terms & Conditions of Use: refers to the contractual document governing use of the Caisse des Dépôts Website.

Special Terms & Conditions of Use: refers to this document.

Claim: steps taken by the User through his or her Personal Account on the Website to send Caisse des Dépôts the necessary supporting documents so that the latter can perform an in-depth analysis of the information and supporting documents submitted by the User and by the Institutions.

Public space: refers to the first part of the Website where a User can enter a Search. This part is accessible to all Users.

Personal Account: refers to the online service provided by Caisse des Dépôts through the Personal Account and enabling any User informed by the latter that their Search has yielded a possible match to submit a Claim after creating a User's account, and accessible at

Institution(s): refers to any entity having transferred unclaimed sums to Caisse des Dépôts.

Caisse des Dépôts Group: refers to Caisse des Dépôts, its subsidiaries and companies over which Caisse des Dépôts exercises control, its economic interest groups and/or associations of which Caisse des Dépôts is a member and which carry out an activity on behalf of Caisse des Dépôts or its subsidiaries or their staff and whose executive powers are held by Caisse des Dépôts or an entity of the group.

Search: steps taken by a User on the Website, with a view to submitting information to Caisse des Dépôts so that the latter can begin to analyse any matches between data communicated by the User and data in Caisse des Dépôts' possession.

Website: in these Special Terms & Conditions of Use, refers to the website that can be accessed at "" and from which any User may enter a Search and submit a Claim for the return of unclaimed sums to Caisse des Dépôts. The Website comprises a Public space and a Personal Account access page.

Unclaimed sums:  refers to the sums listed in Annex 1.

User: refers to any person accessing, browsing on or using the Website. The User’s capacity is specified in Annex 1.

Article 2. Abiding by the Special T&Cs- Duration - Update

The Special T&Cs come into force from the date they are put online and are applicable to any User.

Because of the tighter security of the Personal Account, when creating their User's accounts, the User shall have to expressly accept the Standard and Special T&Cs by checking a box. As part of the updating of Contractual documents, the User is asked to refer, at regular intervals, to the most recent version in force, which is applicable to the User as soon s/he accesses, browses on the Ciclade Website and logs into his or her Personal Account.

Should a User not wish to abide by the Standard and/or Special T&Cs when using the Website, s/he is asked to cease browsing thereon.

Article 3. Conditions of access

3.1 Technical prerequisites

The User acknowledges that s/he has checked that the IT configuration s/he is using does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order. Access to and use of a Personal Account requires modern and up-to-date browser software.

3.2 How to create a User's account

To create a User's account so as to access a Personal Account, the User must:

  • enter his or her email address;
  • choose a password in accordance with the security requirements stipulated in Article 3.4 of the Special T&Cs;
  • agree to the Special and Standard T&Cs of Use.

Once registered, the User will receive an email at the address s/he indicated when creating his or her account, confirming that said account has now been created.

The first time the User accesses his or her Personal Account, s/he must use the URL link in the body of said email to activate the account.

3.3 Terms of access

The User accesses the Website via the Internet communications networks.

Any User acting in the name and on behalf of the Holder of an unclaimed sum (Natural person or Legal entity) must have, and where applicable justify, a proxy document to access and use the Website in the name and on behalf of the person s/he is representing.

The solicitor/notary in charge of the Estate assets  with a view to settling the estate for which s/he has been appointed proxy shall obtain, on request, from Caisse des Dépôts the information in the latter's possession as well as payment of the sums deposited for returning to the entitled parties. The solicitor/notary shall attach the proxy document authorising him/her to act on behalf of the entitled parties.

The Personal Account may only be accessed by Users who have been informed by Caisse des Dépôts that their Search has yielded a possible match.

Access to the Personal Account is also subject to secure creation of a User's account via a password.

To be able to access his/her Personal Account, the User must enter his/her username comprised of the email address s/he gave when creating his/her User's account and password.

The access granted to the User for his/her Personal Account, under these Special T&Cs, is personal, non-assignable and non-transferable

When registering, pursuant to Article 3.4 of these Special Terms & Conditions of Use, the User shall be asked to choose and provide personal and confidential access codes enabling them to log in to his/her account. They acknowledge that they are entirely responsible for keeping such access codes confidential. The disclosure of passwords by the User, whether intentional or not, shall incur his/her own liability and Caisse des Dépôts may not be held liable. If the User notices fraudulent use of his/her password, they undertake to immediately notify Caisse des Dépôts Group thereof.

Any connections to a Personal Account or submissions of data using the User’s username and password when using the Caisse des Dépôts’ services will be considered to have been done by the User under his or her sole responsibility.

Any User not complying with these Special T&Cs or the Standard T&Cs of Use may be barred access to the Personal Account.

Caisse des Dépôts shall be entitled to suspend access to and/or use of the Website in the event of non-compliance with these or the Standard T&Cs by the User, as well as where an event arises that affects the security of the Website.

The Website can be accessed 24/7, unless a force majeure event arises (as recognised by French and European case law), a technical fault occurs, any maintenance Operation takes place that is necessary for the Site to operate correctly or IT development is carried out on the Website.

3.4 Personal Account management policy

Password management policy

The password must be at least twelve (12) characters and no more than twenty (20) characters long.

It must contain at least three (3) of the following characters:

  • Lower case letter;
  • Upper case letter;
  • Special character;
  • Number.

After five (5) authentication failures in a row, the User account is blocked. The User is then asked to reset his or her password.

The password will remain valid for three hundred and sixty-five (365) days after it has been confirmed. Past this timeframe, the User must reset his or her password.

A previously unused password for authentication from the User's account must be created to reset it.

Upon signing in, a box enables you to add a trusted device and therefore avoid two-factor authentication for a period of ninety (90) days.
To this end, a cookie (mfa-cookie-idUtilisateur) is created by our application server for the purpose of remembering your choice to add a trusted device in order to no longer have to confirm your sign-in using a code, for a period of ninety (90) days.

User's account management policy

Once the User's account has been created, this must be activated within forty-eight (48) hours. Past this timeframe, the User's account will be deleted.

Article 4. Personal Account features

4.1 Claim summary

Once a Claim has been submitted, the User can download a summary of his or her Claim at any time.

4.2 Claim submission

Once the Claim has been submitted to Caisse des Dépôts, it is no longer possible for the User to edit it.

Once Caisse des Dépôts has received the Claim, it may ask for additional supporting documents.

4.3 Submission of supporting documents

Using his or her Personal Account, the User may send Caisse des Dépôts any supporting documents required to process his or her Claim.

The User is informed that submitting a Claim is dependent upon the submission of supporting documents.

The User must furnish proof of Bank account ownership (from the person to whom the sums are owed if the User is acting on behalf of the latter) so that Caisse des Dépôts can transfer the sums after processing the Claim.

Article 5. Undertakings on the part of the User

The User shall undertake not to save or submit data concerning his or her racial or ethnic origins, political leanings, philosophical or religious beliefs, membership of a union or political party, physical or mental health, sexuality or the commission of criminal offences or proceedings in or via the Personal Account.

The User shall also undertake not to act in a manner that disrupts the Website or to use the Website in any illegal way whatsoever, and not to submit any offensive, violent or defamatory document.

More specifically, the User shall undertake to ensure that:

  • the documents submitted and messages published do not pose a disruption to public order or affront to common decency, particularly by inciting crimes and offences, racial hatred or suicide, vindication of crimes against humanity or contain pornographic elements;
  • the documents submitted do not violate third party rights, particularly third party intellectual property rights; negatively affect individuals’ rights (particularly through defamation, insults or abuse, etc.) or violate their right to privacy.

Article 6. Warnings

6.1 Processing the Claim

Caisse des Dépôts shall only process the Claim on the basis of information communicated by the Institutions and the User.

Caisse des Dépôts may not be held liable, therefore, when it will not have been in possession of a decisive piece of information when processing the Search and/or Claim, which will have resulted in it giving an incorrect response.

6.2 Updating the Claim

The User is informed that the responses given by Caisse des Dépôts to the Search and Claim are only valid on the day they are communicated to the User. Since Caisse des Dépôts relies on information communicated by the Institutions to process Claims, the User must update his/her Claim at regular intervals.

The User is therefore asked to enter a new Search another time, at regular intervals, with Caisse des Dépôts, should a Search or Claim not yield any possible data matches or confirmed deposit of sums, on a specific date.

Article 7. Personal data protection

The personal data collected from the Website are processed by Caisse des Dépôts according to applicable personal data protection laws and regulations and pursuant to its Personal Data Protection Policy which can be accessed on the Caisse des Dépôts Website at

For Personal Accounts, CDC may specifically process your personal data and the personal data communicated to us by you for the purposes of managing consignments and specialised deposits. For more information, please read our dedicated information note, “Information Note on Personal Data Protection - Consignments, Specialised Deposits and Unclaimed Assets” at

Article 8. Proof agreement

It is agreed that the data, information and files kept by Caisse des Dépôts in its databases or on its servers will constitute admissible and enforceable proof, with the probative value of a private agreement.

Data and digital evidence stored on Caisse des Dépôts' servers under conditions compliant with current practice will be considered proof of communication and submissions carried out between the parties in application of the Standard T&Cs and these Special T&Cs.

Article 9. Contact details

For any query regarding the Standard or Special T&Cs, the User may contact Caisse des Dépôts using the contact form available on the Website by clicking on "Contact".

Article 10. Assignment of jurisdiction

Depending on the nature of the dispute, the competent judicial or administrative courts of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any litigation initiated by the Users relating to the acceptance, performance or interpretation of the Special Conditions of Use.

Depending on the nature of the dispute, when the User does not reside on French soil, the competent judicial or administrative courts of Paris shall have sole jurisdiction, whether the litigation is initiated by the User or Caisse des Dépôts.

Appendix 1. List of Unclaimed sums

Type of unclaimed sums Corresponding capacity of the User
Sums deposited with CDC pursuant to French Act no. 2014-617 of 13 June 2014 on dormant bank accounts and unclaimed life insurance policies.

The User must be:

  • The holder of the Bank account, Employee savings account, Life insurance policy, capitalisation contract or Bond regarding which the Search and Claim are being made on the Website,
  • Or, failing such, the entitled parties thereof [heirs or beneficiaries, solicitor/notary in charge of the holder’s or Policyholder’s estate corporate, the State (the Government’s departments) for estates with no inheritors, proxy and legal representative].
Sums deposited with CDC pursuant to Article 2 of French Act no. 77-4 of 3 January 1977 amending Article 189 bis of the French Commercial Code on limitation periods in commercial matters, in its version prior to the French Act of 13 June 2014.

The User must be:

  • The holder of sums deposited with CDC,
  • Or, failing such, the entitled parties thereof [heirs or beneficiaries, solicitor/notary in charge of the holder’s or policyholder’s estate corporate, the State (the Government’s departments) for estates with no inheritors, proxy and legal representative].
Sums consigned further to the closing down of a banking activity pursuant to the Order of the Paris Commercial Court dated 23 October 2023.

The User must be:

  • The holder of sums consigned further to the closing of an account
  • Or, failing such, the entitled parties thereof [heirs or beneficiaries, solicitor/notary in charge of the holder’s or policyholder’s estate corporate, the State (the Government’s departments) for estates with no inheritors, proxy and legal representative]

Read the Standard terms & conditions for using the Caisse des Depots website